Summer Visitors

This summer we were blessed by the visit three pastors from outside the United States. The first was an old friend working in a small village in a Spanish-speaking country. Close to 20 years ago he left a good job and good life in the United States to return to his home village. For the first decade he worked in the cane fields to support his family. Today they have a thriving congregation and mission work among a nearby idigeneous group.

The second was a pastor of a large congregation in my wife’s home country. Their regular Sunday attendence is something like 1200 people. This man is also a regional leader who oversees some 80 junior pastors and churches. In addition he has a weekly television teaching ministry that is seen across the country. He spoke at out home church to a group visiting from Korea, Mexico and Puerto Rico.

Finally we were priveleged last week to have a guest pastor from a nation where the gospel has seen serious persecution for many years. A scientist by trade, the man was demoted from his position by the government for his Christianity. Yet today is a leader in a growing denomination with a quarter of a million people attending their churches.

As different as each of these men are they share much in common. Their common faith in Jesus Christ, same dilligent work ethic, same pastoral heart, same commitment to prayer and same love for people are traits I have seen over and over again in the places where the church is growing strong. It is men like these that Christ is using to build his church. We are priveleged to know and work alongside such servants of the Lord.