New Mission

Well it is official now. We are formally a part of a mission organization. Starting April 2011 Calvary Commission will be our sending agency. Actually “sending agency” sounds too impersonal considering the warm welcome they have given us. The fellowship we have received at Calvary Commission is really an answer to prayer and we believe will allow us to expand our efforts in Peru.

A little background on our new agency:
In the 1960’s Joe Fauss was a successful East Texas businessman who sold everything to start a ministry for youth on the streets. He and his wife Charlotte became local experts on the then-unheard of drug culture. Four decades later the fruit of their labors is Calvary Commission, one of the most respected ministries in this area. Today their focus is the unusual combination of prisoners and world missions.

Back when I was a pastor preaching in the state jail, I often heard about Calvary Commission’s prison work. Besides the regular evangelism and ministry in prison, they were known for their discipleship of former prisoners. Our warden said,” Calvary Commission has the best aftercare program in the State of Texas.”
That aftercare consists of a two year work and study program on 160 acres in the piney woods of East Texas. The study program is actually a Bible school with a two years associate’s and four years Bachelor’s degree in ministry. Most, though not all, of the students are former inmates who have become Christians in prison. There is a very long waiting list to get into the program. It is a disciplined regiment of study, prayer, work, worship and more prayer.

Alongside this is an International Center for Missions that prepares candidates for short and long-term service overseas.
Calvary Commission graduates have planted churches in Mexico, Belize, India, Romania, Africa and Lima, Peru. They also run orphanages in Romania andMexico.

Calvary Commission does have a fine children’s ministry and church in a poor neighborhood of the mega-city of Lima Peru. However, we will be the first ministry of this kind to join with them (a full Christian school in Peru). Like so many things in life, relationships were the key to our affiliation. The founders Joe and Charlotte Fauss were friends of both my former pastor and mentor and my current pastor and successor.

Yesterday I was invited to speak in chapel and then teach a missiology class at the Calvary Commission training center. The students were so receptive, appreciative and enthusiastic that I felt like I was back in Peru. They also gave us a generous and unexpected offering.

One of the many benefits of our participation in this ministry is the way it will facilitate and encourage offerings. Anyone who would like to donate to our work in Peru may give online or by mail through Calvary Commission. I have posted both of those on our website but they are also listed below.

Currently Amelia and I are raising support to cover our living expenses for the upcoming year. We are more than halfway there.
Also we are working at paying our plane tickets to be able to return to Peru.

If you would like to contribute a single gift to help us with the travel costs or a regular gift to help us with our monthly support we would be deeply grateful.
To give safely online please click the “DONATE” button under our profile on the right hand side of the screen:

Or you may send a check to the address below.
Calvary Commission
RE: Tebbe Family or CSA
PO Box 100
Lindale, TX 75771

Please make checks payable to “Calvary Commission
Indicate separately from the check that the offering is for “The Christian School of the Andes“, “CSA“, or “Gary and Amelia Tebbe“.

We are looking forward to the future in partnership with you all, with Calvary Commission and the rest of our family in Christ here in America in serving our family in Christ there in Peru.

Let us pray and believe God,

Gary and Amelia Tebbe